Delayed Production of Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) and Lawful Perma

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    Practice Alert: Delayed Production of Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) and Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Cards
    AILA Doc. No. 20071530 | Dated July 14, 2020

    In recent weeks, AILA has received reports from members of delays in the issuance of EADs and green cards for some employment-based, family-based, and asylum-based immigration applications.

    On July 9, the Washington Post reported that USCIS has shut down printing of documents evidencing legal status and work authorization for immigrants and nonimmigrants, including green cards and employment authorization documents (EAD), in Corbin, KY, weeks ago, and USCIS has scaled back printing at the second facility in Lee’s Summit, MO, resulting in massive delays. USCIS blames “financial concerns,” for their failure to renew the contract with the printing company despite never alerting Congress. According to a USCIS, approximately 50,000 green cards and 75,000 other employment authorization documents promised to immigrants and nonimmigrants haven’t been printed.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by hkim.
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